Natural History Society of Maryland
Event Registration Page
Natural History Society of Maryland


  • 11 Aug 2019
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Natural History Society of MD


Soil is the uppermost layer of the Earth’s crust in which land plants grow. Come get your hands dirty as we dive into soil activities!  We will determine soil texture, assess soil structure, and measure pH. Feel free to bring a soil sample from your yard to test. As always, Nature Connections is a free program for naturalists of all ages.

Special Presentation: 1:15pm/ Trish Steinhilber will present Foundations of Life on Earth.

Deepen your appreciation of 2 foundations of life on Earth – photosynthesis and soil.  Photosynthesis of plants harnesses the energy of the Sun to provide food for most creatures on Earth, including humans.  We’ll briefly talk about how photosynthesis works and important soil features. About

Our Guest Presenter: Trish Steinhilber is a soil fertility and nutrient management specialist and has recently retired from the Department of Environmental Science and Technology at the University of Maryland College Park where she coordinated the Agricultural Nutrient Management Program in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for the past 25 years.

Nature Connections are free and made possible by our amazing volunteers and sponsors. If you would like to volunteer in a Nature Connections please contact Renee Bieretz at


The Natural History Society of Maryland is a volunteer-led non-profit organization.  Please consider donating or becoming a member of the Natural History Society of Maryland and visit for more information. Thank you for your support!


Photo Credit: Josh Larios


The Natural History Society of Maryland is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and contributions are tax-deductible.

The mission of the Natural History Society of Maryland is to foster stewardship of Maryland’s natural heritage by conserving its natural history collections, educating its citizenry, and inspiring its youth to pursue careers in the natural sciences.

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