Are you fascinated with reptiles and amphibians?
The Natural History Society of Maryland’s Herp Club was founded in 2018. The Herp Club promotes the proper husbandry, conservation, study, and appreciation of reptiles and amphibians. Come meet fellow “Herpers”! Amateurs, professionals, and kids of all ages are welcome! Monthly meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at the Natural History Society of Maryland.
This month’s Herp Club Meeting: Photographing Reptiles and Amphibians with Mark Tegges. For over 50 years, Mark Tegges has been searching for Herps and taking photographs of them. He will discuss the habits of these incredible animals and share some photographic techniques he has learned over the years.
Membership to NHSM required. (NHSM membership is $25 for individuals, $35 for families.) Herp Club membership is an additional $5 for individuals and $10 for families annually. This additional fee is for club activities, special materials, and food/beverage for meetings.