City Nature Challenge (CNC), the Super Bowl of bioblitzes, is just around the corner. CNC is an annual friendly competition between cities across the globe to find and document plants and wildlife over a four-day period (April 26-29 this year) using the iNaturalist app.
The Natural History Society of Maryland would like to make sure you are ready for this bioblitz! You don’t need to be a wildlife expert—all skill levels are welcome to participate. Download iNaturalist and join us for an evening presentation on the CNC and learn how to use the app with National Park Ranger, Bill Curtis.
Why participate? There is nature all around us, even in our cities! Knowing what species are in our metro area and where they are helps us study and protect them, but the ONLY way to do that is by all of us working together to find and document the nature in our area. By participating in the CNC, not only do you learn more about your local nature, but you can also make your city a better place—for you and other species!
Who is Bill? Bill Curtis is a National Park Ranger currently stationed at Hampton National Historic Site and Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine. While a history major at Gettysburg College, he began his career as a Licensed Battlefield Guide. His NPS career has included full-time duties as an interpreter and a law enforcement officer, and he now works in the Resource Management Division, splitting his time between museum work and helping to care for the historic landscape. He is a Maryland Master Naturalist, and he is happily married and the proud father of two.
NOTE: While this public event is being held as part of the NHSM Lep Club’s monthly meeting, this is a special event open to the public. ALL are welcome.
If you love butterflies and moths, consider joining the NHSM Lep Club. Made up of novice and expert lepidopterists who meet to exchange knowledge and support concerning habitat, threats, food sources, identification, and life cycle of butterflies and moths, the Lep Club encourages the sharing of knowledge for the raising and breeding of moths and butterflies through hands-on lessons and guest speakers. Club members are also involved in outreach in the greater Baltimore community through educational programs and service projects. Club meetings often feature a guest speaker who shares their knowledge on a topic related to moths and butterflies. Meetings also include time to distribute caterpillars, eggs, and host plants.
To become a member, go here:
Bill, like most of the other people who provide educational programs at NHSM, is a volunteer. Your registration fees directly support the programs, the nature collections, and the building that make this kind of nature education possible. Donate or become a member of the Natural History Society of Maryland by visiting