Natural History Society of Maryland
Event Registration Page
Natural History Society of Maryland

Arch Club Meeting: Save Our History!

  • 20 Mar 2024
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Online via Zoom


  • NHSM believes there should be no barriers to education. If you can’t pay, that’s okay. If you can pay, great. If you can pay more, please do, so this kind of education can continue.
  • Suggested donation

Registration is closed

At this month’s meeting of the NHSM Arch Club, Daniel Dean, Research Chair of the Marshy Point Nature Center Council, will share a call to action. Dan says:

“We all love history and archaeology. Sadly, our county parks are not equipped to handle making informative judgements except through volunteers. We do what we can at Marshy Point but it is not sustainable long term nor implemented across all parks. We need the support of the Department of Rec and Parks. It is the duty of our municipal leaders to allow and continue Baltimore County’s expanding knowledge of who lived and died on what is now county property. This is the first step of many towards learning what wasn’t known of our past while continuing the exciting discoveries we love without fear of our work becoming stagnant or the items found to decay.”

Join us on Zoom to find out how to get involved and what you can do to help ensure the future of archaeology at Marshy Point and other sites. To receive the Zoom link and passcode, register for the event. Email the club coordinator ( with any questions.

Natural History Society of Maryland’s Archaeology Club promotes the value of archaeology in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and surrounding areas. The goal of the Archaeology Club is to educate citizenry in the ethics, methods, and artifact preservation methods of archaeology and how archaeology can be used to document, discover, and promote local history. The Archaeology Club is inclusive to all persons who have an interest in archaeology.

If you are an archaeology enthusiast, please consider joining us. You must be a member of NHSM to join any of its clubs. Follow this link to learn more:

The Natural History Society of Maryland is a volunteer-led non-profit organization, so the fee you pay will go directly to support the programs, the nature collections, and the building that make this kind of nature education possible.

The Natural History Society of Maryland is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and contributions are tax-deductible.

The mission of the Natural History Society of Maryland is to foster stewardship of Maryland’s natural heritage by conserving its natural history collections, educating its citizenry, and inspiring its youth to pursue careers in the natural sciences.

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